Many people have started investing in solar systems. This trend of adopting a residential solar system has put many house owners in dilemma whether to invest in it or not. If you want the direct answer, then it is “yes”. You must contact one of the CEC accredited solar installers and get a solar panel with battery or simple grid for your house.

The size of a residential solar system means the number of solar panels you need. Your question will be resolved in this blog: How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Power my Home?

There are many aspects that need to be looked at before installing solar panels.

Read related blog: Do I Need to Replace My Roof Before Installing Solar Panels?

Typically, it takes about 3 to 5 years for a solar power system to pay for itself in Sydney, Australia, depending on the system size and your electricity usage.

The solar rebate scheme in Australia, known as the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, provides Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) as an incentive. The number of STCs you receive depends on your system’s size and location, which can be traded for a discount on your solar panel installation costs.

To qualify for the STC incentive, choose an accredited solar panel installer like Isolux Solar, who will handle the paperwork and deduct the value of the STCs from your solar panel system’s upfront cost.

It’s recommended to repair or replace your roof, if it’s in poor condition before installing solar panels system to ensure the roof can support the solar panels and avoid future disruptions.

The size depends on your electricity usage, roof space, and budget. A typical household in Sydney might consider a system of 6.6kW.

Solar panels need a grid connection to operate, so they won’t work during a blackout unless you have a battery storage system.

Solar panels can be cleaned with water and a soft brush or cloth. It’s generally recommended to clean them during the cooler parts of the day to avoid sudden temperature changes.

Yes, solar panels work on cloudy days but at reduced efficiency. You can expect around 10% to 25% of the power generated on a sunny day.
